The patrollers of the Club Équestre les Forestiers are a dynamic group of experienced riders who volunteer their time on a regular basis to patrol the CEF trail network on horseback. Their mission is to ensure that all users respect the regulations as well as that all riders are members in good standing with the CEF. They promote safety, and help to educate all of the trail users. In addition, the patrol is responsible for communicating incidents to the CEF, from trees blocking trails, missing signs, evidence of unauthorized users in the trails, etc.
Nos patrouilleurs équestres sont facilement identifiables grâce à un gilet jaune portant le logo du Club et le sigle PATROUILLEUR. Ces bénévoles dévoués sont là pour vous assister si vous êtes perdu, si vous avez un problème avec votre cheval ou si vous avez besoin d’aide. Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à notre dynamique équipe de patrouilleurs, veuillez contact us.

Patrol volunteer requirements:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Be a CEF member in good standing for at least 12 months.
- Demonstrate proficiency in basic horsemanship.
- Wear the patrol vest provided and present a professional and courteous attitude at all times.
- Attend the minimum required patrol events per year as stipulated by the CEF Board of Directors.
- Carry a personal cell phone.
- Be familiar with Park Regulations and Patrol policies and procedures;
- “Ride with a buddy”—recommended.
Horse qualifications:The Patroller’s horse should be a mare or gelding that is at least four calendar years old. It should have a calm and good disposition on the CEF trails and around people.