This year, you are required to purchase your CEF membership + a Cheval Quebec membership. Please visit the HorseReg site in order to purchase your membership you may purchase your Cheval Quebec membership before or during your CEF membership purchase. See link to HorseReg...
Why become a member?

By becoming a member of the CEF, not only do you ensure that the Club maintains its beautiful network of trails, but you also contribute to the preservation and protection of the region's equestrian heritage. Members are the ones who built the Club in the past and who will continue to make it prosper in the future.

The CEF membership carries a $10 million liability insurance which applies to all corporal and material damages inflicted upon a third party during equestrian activities. This insurance protects the CEF members should their horse injure a third party or damage someone’s property.
Should an incident involving material and corporal damage occur, it MUST be declared to Cheval Quebec within 30 days of the incident. You can complete the Incident report by clicking HERE.
To consult the Liability Insurance contract, please click HERE